Tempted (Alex Kennedy, #1)

Tempted (Alex Kennedy, #1) - Megan Hart I think Megan Hart is the reason I have "erotica" and "erotic romance" as one shelf; that way I don't have to make myself crazy trying to categorize. This was such a well-written and compelling but ultimately unsatisfying book. In the narrator Anne and her sisters, we see four adult children of an alcoholic who have unwittingly found themselves continuing the pattern of secrets and lies they grew up with, and I didn't feel that was addressed enough for Anne. She and her husband lie to each other too readily for me to believe they can ever be truly happy together. And the book ended on a very jarring note. She has unprotected intercourse with Alex while no longer using birth control. Way to open another potential can of worms! I was left feeling that all three characters cut themselves off from what they really wanted, when they all could have been happy.