Any Man of Mine

Any Man of Mine - Rachel Gibson 3.5 stars. As I started this book, I wondered how Gibson was going to redeem Sam, a man who not only treated his ex-wife Autumn very badly, but has chosen his playboy lifestyle over being with his son many times. How could such a crummy dad be a romance hero? In a very simple and believable way: Sam becomes aware that he's been making his son unhappy, decides to change, and works at their relationship. A situation which also brings him into a lot more contact with Autumn...This was a solidly enjoyable story. The depiction of parenting was spot on, and the interactions between the three characters made me believe in Sam's change to a better dad and a family man. I would have liked to see a little more from him in the "begging for forgiveness on hands and knees" area... he wants Autumn to let go of the past when he's barely acknowledged he was at fault, or apologized. That, and a tendency towards repetition in the prose brought my grade down a bit. But I was really caught up in the story from beginning to end.