3 1/2 stars. This is a toughie to rate... the smut was top notch, the story not so much. I wanted to read this because I'd read the freee follow-up story, After the Ceremony, and really enjoyed it. So as I read about how werewolves best friends Mikhel and Zach found themselves both into the same human woman and heading towards a seemingly inevitable conflict, I was dying to know how they evolved from that situation into the happy threesome of the story. Spoiler if you haven't read about it: In which Zach is submissive to the other two.And unfortunately... I still don't know. The story is humming along nicely, then there's a gap of a year in which all sorts of changes happen in the character's minds and hearts that we're not privileged to see. It really feels like a huge chunk of the story just got cut out. And considering it's a fairly pricey book, it would not have hurt it at all to be longer.So, I enjoyed reading it, but it left me somewhat dissatisfied. I guess that works out to 3 1/2 stars.